6. At long last, someone invents "the dream VCR", This machine allows you to tape an entire evening's worth of your own dreams, which you can then watch at your leisure. However, the inventor of the dream VCR will only allow you to use the device if you agree to a strange caveat: When you watch your dreams, you must to so with yout family and closest friends in the same room. They get to watch your dreams along with you. And if you don't agree to this, you can't use the dream VCR. Would you still do this?
7. Defying all expectation, a group of Scottish marine biologists capture a live Loch Ness Monster. In an almost unbelieable coincidence, a bear hunter in the Pacific Northwest shoots a Sasquatch in the thigh, thereby allowing zoologists to take the furry monster in captivity. These events happen on the same afternoon. That evening, the president announces that he may have thyroid cancer and will undergo a biopsy later that week. You are the editor of The New York Times: What do you play as the biggest story?
13. Every person you have ever slept with is invited to a banquet where you are the guest of honor. No on will be in attandance except you, the collection of your former lovers, and the catering service. After the meal you are asked to give a fifteen minute speech to the assembly. What do you talk about?
18. You have won a prize. The prize has two options, and you can choose either (but not both). The first option is a year in Europe with a monthly stipend of $2000. The second option is ten minutes on the moon. Which option do you select?
19. Your best friend is taking a nap on the floor of your living room. Suddenly you are faced with a bizarre existential problem: This friend is going to die unless you kick them (as hard as you can) in the rib cage. If you don't kick them while they slumber, they will never wake up. However, you can never explain this to your friend; if you later inform them that you did this to save their life, they will also die from that. So you have to kick a sleeping friend in the ribs, and you can't tell them why. Since you cannot tell your friend the truth, what excuse do you fabricate to explain this (seemingly inexplicable) attack?
That is all for now. I might divulge my opinions on a later date, but until then, let your mind wander through all the possible answers. And you if you like these, you should check out the book!
9 years ago
These are hilarious! I love questions like this (these?)! Way to be a deep thinker, haha :)